Mock Interviewing with Seniors
November 8, 2012
LTHS has the fortune of having a very
key person on staff who is able to provide experiences for students that otherwise
they wouldn't get. In fact, such a person doesn't exist in many districts. Through the leadership of Mrs. Christian
Herman, we have been able to provide our seniors with an experience that is
directly tied to their futures. School
counselors, as well as business individuals within our local Williamsport
community, serve as mock interviewers who interview students for a mock
position in a particular business.
Students develop cover letters and resumes as a pre-cursor to preparing
for their mock interviews. Students learn
about and practice the art of interviewing - the do's, the don'ts, and what to
expect during an interview. It has become quite popular among our seniors - they take it serioulsy and actually compete for the actual position! Recently,
one of Mrs. Beiter's senior English classes performed their mock interviews,
and they looked and presented themselves in supervisor fashion. Kudos to our students and our staff for
producing an experiences for our students that likely occurs in few high