Gina Girio, daughter of Gary and Lora Girio, has been recognized by our social studies department as Loyalsock's student of the month for March. A consistent student on the honor roll, Gina's favorite subjects in school include English, history, and Spanish. Gina has been very active during her tenure at Loyalsock. As a member of Key Club for four years, she has also had several leadership opportunities, including her reign during the 2011-12 school year as the Lieutenant Governor. In addition, her leadership has been demonstrated also as president of the school Student Government Association and with her public relations post within the SADD organization. Gina is also very active as the LTHS's yearbook editor and as class historian for the Class of 2012. Gina has also had the opportunity to teach young students through the school's Cross-Age Teaching program, a program that teaches sixth graders the negative impact of drugs and alcohol in their lives. Gina plans on attending Bloomsburg University and majoring in Mass Communications. Gina is also quite active in the community beyond school, including raising money for Project Eliminate and UNICEF, Christmas caroling with the elderly, stuffing Easter eggs for children, participating in the March of Dimes Walk for Babies, and helping with the recent flood relief in and around Williamsport. When she has a moment, Gina enjoys writing. We celebrate Gina's involvement and leadership and congratulate her and parents on being recognized as Loyalsock's March Student of the Month!